I originally started akbzine way back in July 2014, when I started uploading translated gameplay sessions of a PSP video game called AKB 1/48 Idol to Koishitara (アイドルと恋したら…). Eventually, it expanded into translating silly "news" reports, speeches, and SNS posts of various AKB48 members.
I decided to watch the TV-show AKBingo! the other day, after having stepped away from this fandom for a number of years. To my surprise, I did not recognize any of the current group members.
While AKB48, and their related groups, will hold a special place in my heart, it was perhaps a sign that I had already moved on. That, and the fact that I have not made any updates since 2017. As such, in addition to other considerations, I've made the decision to remove the site and its contents.
In a way, true to AKB48 fashion, I am "graduating" from this fandom.
Farewell, and thanks for the all the memories.
August 22, 2023